Back in the studio recording some more new songs. Hoping they will be released by the end of the year.
David, October 2024
Just a very brief update to advise you that David is working on some new songs. These will be released around Christmas time. If it is before, then what a wonderful present for someone you love. More detail to follow in the next couple of months.
Saturday 3rd December update. This release will be delayed (for a range of thrilling reasons) until the new year. Always good to have something to look forward to. In the meantime have a joyful Christmas.
Saturday 4th March update. A little later than expected…. Three new tracks will be released on 11th March 2023.
David’s anticipated ‘archive’ release will be available soon. GHOSTS one to four will be released across all digital platforms on 23rd July 2021. Its companion EP, GHOSTS five to eight, is expected to be released later in the summer. Both releases will be available on CD. A limited edition vinyl will include all eight songs across sides A and B. The original songs were written pre-2010 and, according to David, have been ‘repainted’ for 2021.
Over the water from Liverpool is the home and music place of David Chappell. He has a rich collaborative musical history that has now been archived (for the time being) and he is taking the opportunity to enjoy a little time doing it by himself.
The long awaited first solo release LP from David Chappell, Tall Tales & Short Stories, is confirmed for release on 15th August 2020. It will be available to download and stream on all major music platforms. A limited edition, handmade CD, will also be available on request and is limited to 500 copies.
“ The songs are inspired by, and about, beautiful people. Lost, found, here, elsewhere, and yet to be discovered.”
Update on this release: June 2021.
Eight (rather than the originally intended seven) tracks are nearing completion and will be released on two EPs, retitled - GHOSTS one to four and GHOSTS five to eight.
Along with the usual digital release, there will be a limited edition run of copies on two CDs. Additionally a strictly limited edition run of prints on vinyl will be available. As with David’s previous releases these will only be available to purchase on request.
Update on this release: February 2021.
David reports to becoming a little indulged in these recordings (“which wasn’t the intention or plan!”) and is currently ‘rebuilding’ the songs which includes a little re-recording.
“I remembered why I wrote them and decided they needed to be a little updated in their sound and structure. I am anticipating early summer.”
Original post:
David is currently mastering seven songs written and recorded during the early part of the twenty first century.
Titled, Two Thousand and Eight, the songs will be unedited and in their original ‘raw-mix’ state.
Anticipated in autumn 2020, the songs will be available on all major music platforms and as a handmade CD, limited to 200 copies.
“The seven songs were written and recorded in the couple of years leading up to 2008.
Somehow they got lost and left behind.
Then they were found.
Now they are here.